The Distinctions of Nuwaubu by Paul Simons: #24, Prayer

Sandra Bland’s commentary on white supremacy – YouTube

Sandra Bland’s commentary on white supremacy – YouTube.

▶ Ta-Nehisi Coates on discussing racism directly, honestly – YouTube

▶ Ta-Nehisi Coates on discussing racism directly, honestly – YouTube.

15 Facts about Freddie Gray & Baltimore Riots — Part Three

15 Facts about Freddie Gray & Baltimore Riots — Part Three

Racism Is White Supremacy

baltimore riots with whites 1Baltimore protest

FACT #11 —Black people should not join marches or protests where whites are participatingfor the following six reasons:

1.  Some of the white (and black) participants are governments PLANTS who are there to CONTROL, MONITOR, IDENTIFY, and INSTIGATE VIOLENCE (when needed) to make it appear that black people aren’t protesting injustice; they’re “stealing” aka they are criminals. (to paraphrase  President Obama – see Part Two).

2.  Some whites who participate have their own political agendas, such as recruiting gullible blacks for white socialist organizations and/or to REDIRECT the BLACK FOCUS away from RACE (racism) to CLASS (what ails white people). In reality, the white supremacy system is a CASTE SYSTEM where non-white people–regardless of education and “class” are still considered a “lower caste” NON-WHITE person. You can find my post on class VS caste here.

3.  White participation totally confuses black people into thinking…

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15 Facts about Freddie Gray — Part Two

15 Facts about Freddie Gray — Part Two

Racism Is White Supremacy

freddie-gray-arrest-record-2 The arrest “record” of Freddie Gray, 24, murdered by police

FACT #7 — One of the (many) reasons the white supremacist IN-JUSTICE SYSTEM rushes to give young black males and females felony convictions at as early an age as possible is to JUSTIFY murdering them at a later time–if the opportunity presents itself.

Whenever a black “felon” is murdered by police, the white mainstream media trots out their “criminal record” to justify whatever happened to them–even if that something is murder.

FACT #8 — Black people with “powerful-appearing” political titles and show business fame are often used to disguise the FACT that racism is being practiced. And what better way to hide it than to put a black face on it.

I’ve included an excerpt from my book: Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation’ —

Are Black Leaders Obsolete?

The Litmus Test For TRUE Black Leaders And Leadership

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15 Facts about Freddie Gray and The Rioting in Baltimore

15 Facts about Freddie Gray and The Rioting in Baltimore

Racism Is White Supremacy

Freddie Gray 15 Freddie Gray, 24, murdered by police

lynching 1

FACT #1 — We live under a system of racism/white supremacy. Once we understand what it is and why it exists, the rest — as painful as it it — will make perfect sense. If you’d like to read the definition I’ve included an excerpt from my book: Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation’ at the link below:

FACT #2 — The murder of unarmed blacks by white men and women is nothing new

Emmett Till 1

FACT #3 — As non-citizens black people do not have equal protection under the law OR any rights that white people are bound to respect. Shooting a black person isn’t much different than shooting a file cabinet. Both are considered property of the white supremacist system. And black people are still the property of this system.

slave sale flyer 1slave sale flyer 2

FACT #4 — The police are allowed to beat, sodomize, cripple, rape…

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The White racist guide to riots


la-na-nn-new-hampshire-pumpkin-riots-20141019 Because pumpkins: Keene, New Hampshire, 2014.

When there is a riot going on somewhere in Black America, the important thing is to excuse the unjust, racist social order of the US. So, be sure to say the following (commenters can add their own suggestions below):

“Violence is counterproductive. Be patient. Let the system work.”

Because it has worked so well in the past, especially for Black people, especially when they do not rock the boat. Because the nation was already busily ending police brutality. Because justice in the US is colour-blind, even to the colour of money.

Apply the words “thugs”, “violent”, “lawless” and “unacceptable” to
rioters – but not to the police.

Because the police and police brutality are none of those things. Because violence and setting stuff on fire is only acceptable when your sports team has lost (or won). Or when there is a Pumpkin Festival. Or…

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African Proverbs about Leadership

The Education of Black Children

Are “Black Movies” A Prediction of Our Future?

Racism Is White Supremacy


12 years a slave

While we spend MILLIONS of black dollars on Hollywood movies, like The Butler, The Help, 12 Years a Slave, Django Unchained, Red Tails, the Equalizer, and now Selma — where black degradation and passive resistance to white oppression are celebrated and ENCOURAGED…

do not fall for the white supremacist hype

Selma movie

do not fall for the white supremacist hype

Most of us have NEVER stopped and asked ourselves three critical questions:

1.  Why are we trusting white supremacist Hollywood to teach us AND our children about our own HISTORY? The same history the same people LIE ABOUT in our history books?

2. Would the white people who control Hollywood allow black filmmakers to make movies about white OR Jewish History?  (I think we all know the answer to that question).

3.  What is the REAL message behind these REVISIONIST films?

the helpHollywood is the land of white supremacy

Most “black films” produced by Hollywood fall…

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